2019, Number 3
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RIC 2019; 98 (3)
Diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic implications of the BRAF V600E mutation in cutaneous melanomas
Piamo MAJ
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 413-424
PDF size: 752.25 Kb.
Introduction: Melanoma accounts for 4% of all malignant skin tumors,
but is responsible for 80% of cancer deaths in this site. The emergence
of therapies directed against the BRAF mutation has changed the
prognosis, hence the importance of identifying this mutation in patients
with histological diagnosis of malignant melanoma since the rate of
mutations of the BRAF oncogene is high.
Objective: to describe the
diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic implications of the determination
of the mutation of the BRAF V600E gene in cutaneous malignant
Method: literature review via PUBMED with the introduction
of the following search terms: melanoma, melanoma AND genetics,
melanoma AND BRAF mutation, melanoma AND BRAF V600E AND
prognosis. 72 publications were identified.
Results: multiple studies
have corroborated the high frequency of the mutated BRAF V600E
oncogene in cutaneous melanoma, offering the possibility that through
the identification of this alteration it can contribute to improve the
diagnosis and to guarantee a treatment directed specifically against the
activity of BRAF.
Conclusions: the identification of the BRAF oncogene
mutation represents a prognostic factor and may represent an effective
therapeutic target.
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