2017, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2017; 8 (1)
Emotion dysregulation and eating symptoms: Analysis of group sessions in patients with eating disorder
Rodríguez GM, Gempeler RJ, Mayor AN, Patiño SC, Lozano CL, Pérez MV
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 72-81
PDF size: 443.52 Kb.
The aim of this article was to explore and analyze the relationship between emotions,
feelings and moods, with eating behavior and other behaviors in patients with eating
disorders (ED). A total of 43 women aged among 14 to 45 years (
M = 19.8,
SD = 6.8), 19 were
diagnosed with anorexia nervosa, 22 with bulimia nervosa and two with binge eating disorder.
All participants attended to an ambulatory intensive program. Based on a qualitative methodology,
it was analyzed the content of a dialectical behavior therapy group session. Before
negative emotions it was observed that patients ----regardless of the ED diagnostic---- preferentially
use suppression strategies rather than re-appraisal. Specifically, patients with anorexia
nervosa tend to face negative emotions based on the expression of restrictive symptoms while
bulimic ones tend to binge and/or purge. It was notorious the difficulty of all patients to name
and discriminate emotions or associate them with maladaptive behaviors. ED treatment requires
therapeutic techniques aimed to strength tolerance when discomfort is induced by negative
emotions, but also promoting re-appraisal of these emotions.
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