2019, Number 3
Training by competences in the specialty of Psychiatry: a necessary dissertation
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 225-240
PDF size: 155.35 Kb.
Background: the current training of specialists in Psychiatry requires a systemic, flexible and dynamic analysis, where scientific advances in the specialty and the formation of human values prevail.Objective: to analyze the current state of the training by competences of the specialist in Psychiatry.
Methods: an updated bibliographic review was carried out at “Ph D Luis San Juan Pérez” Provincial Psychiatric University Hospital from Villa Clara, from January to March 2019. The resources available in Infomed, specifically Ebsco, PubMed and SciELO, were used to access the databases: MEDLINE, Academic Search Premier, MedicLatina and Scopus, and in texts and printed articles from several countries, particularizing in Cuba. Using the analytical method, 32 scientific articles were reviewed, 96,8 percent of the last five years.
Results: the increase of the pedagogical model of competency-based training in psychiatric specialists was confirmed, and although there are differences in its applicability in different nations, its use contributes to a better attention to mental health; there is a challenge to prioritize prevention work and encourage the systematic preparation of psychiatrists as teachers. In the context of current Cuban medical education, this competency-based training is compatible with the organization of the educational process, where medical care, teaching and research are integrated.
Conclusions: a review on this issue was carried out and the favorable current situation of the training by competences of the specialist in Psychiatry was stated.
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