2019, Number 3
Tooth cyst in the multidisciplinary dentistry-pediatric care
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 473-479
PDF size: 332.73 Kb.
Introduction: the tooth cyst is the second most frequent type of odontogenic cysts and still unknown etiology that comprises about 20% of all cysts found in the jaws. It is usually related to the crown of one or more unerupted teeth. Its great growth potential leads to asymmetries, paresthesia, dental displacement and even neoplastic transformation, so that the therapeutic attitude towards it is of singular importance.Case Report: a 6-year-old white patient with a health history who came to the orthodontic practice for presenting alterations in the outbreak of the superior incisors, the oral examination showed early mixed dentition with teeth 21 and 22 properly located with persistence of temporary teeth in contralateral zone, in panoramic X-rays it was observed a wide radiolucent zone with teeth 11 and 12 included in horizontal position. The treatment modality required in this case.
Conclusions: with the treatment carried out, the dentigerous cyst was early eliminated, reestablishing the functional aesthetic dental occlusion. The scientific relevance of the case is that this condition is more common in the second and third decade of life, being considered a rare pathology in children.
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