2019, Number 3
From Klinberg to date: higher education and the demands on evaluation
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 407-417
PDF size: 272.57 Kb.
Introduction: in the process of evaluation of learning, the need for a developing and integrating character has been implicit in both the international and national spheres.to establish methodological recommendations based on an integrative conception of the evaluation of learning from the discipline of General Pedagogical Formation.
Development: in order to move towards excellence in the direction of the Aulic Pedagogical Process, it is necessary that creation be an incentive comprise all the factors that intervene in the educational system. Professors and students are direct protagonists of the evaluation process, other external evaluators are farther away from the process, and many times theory takes precedence over practice and vice versa. The idea is to fulfill this principle (theory-practical unit), and that the act of evaluating learning process constitutes an enhancer of the pedagogical processes of excellence, and its quality, which will contribute to the effective educational institutions and systems.
Conclusions: the bridging of evaluation of the teaching-learning process in the methodological work is a need for the evaluators and for those assessed, who must begin by resizing the functions of teaching to search for an integrative conception that leads to the fulfillment of the methodological recommendations from their dimensions and indicators, as well as making evident the unity of the affective-cognitive-value in the actions of those assessed.
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