2019, Number 3
Traditional medicine for lumbosacral conditions in the elderly
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 397-406
PDF size: 241.26 Kb.
Introduction: the methods used by Natural and Traditional Medicine are therapeutic, economical and harmless. Low back pain is a condition the elderly suffer from at certain moments throughout their lives.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of traditional medicine in lumbosacral conditions in the elderly, at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic, from September 2016 to June 2017.
Methods: an observational, analytical, case and control research was carried out with a target group of 562 old people who attended a traditional medicine consultation with low back pain, a simple random sample of 200 patients was chosen, who were separated into two groups, of 100 each of cases treated with traditional medicine and the control group treated with conventional medicine; theoretical methods were used, empirical review of clinical history, Oswestry scale and Womac index, along with statistical techniques were applied (percentage and Chi-square).
Results: in both groups the ages between 60-64 years predominated, female sex prevailed, the occupation of housewives in women and agricultural workers in men, the development of symptoms using traditional medicine was satisfactory in 95 %, 36 % needed from 3 to 6 sessions with cups, 52 % from 7 to 10 sessions with cups, 88 % underwent treatment with acupressure and 48 % suffered from gastritis as an adverse reactions regarding the conventional treatment.
Conclusions: traditional medicine proved to be an effective treatment for the elderly suffering from lumbosacral conditions.
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