2019, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (3)
Perceived satisfaction and quality of medical care in health systems
Farias PE, Tapia ML, Tifner S
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 2489-2516
PDF size: 224.51 Kb.
The present study to explore the quality of the Physician-Patient
Relationship in subjects attending health services, focusing on
the degree of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the quality of
medical care and the possible associations with demographic
characteristics of the Users. We worked with an intentional
sample of 100 subjects who attended public and private
institutions of a locality of the province of San Juan (Argentina).
The structured survey questionnaire (Urquizo Chávez, 2011)
was administered individually and with prior informed consent in
order to assess the users' perception of the medical service
received and the level of satisfaction.
Users expressed satisfaction in care regardless of
sociodemographic variables. The relationship between quality
of care and type of public and private attention was found. It is
considered the work provides information for the continuous
improvement of the quality in the attention of the health
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