2018, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (1)
Conceptions and values of the body in young adults of Northwestern Mexico
Valenzuela GME, Meléndez TJM
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 45-56
PDF size: 162.09 Kb.
Currently thinness is the ideal body (IB) while in western societies obesity has reached levels never seen before.
This situation has influenced how men and women perceive their bodies. The aim of this paper was to describe
conceptions and values of the IB as well as the perception and acceptance of the body in university students from
the northwestern Mexico, a sociocultural context where obesity prevails. From a socio-anthropological approach,
we worked with 308 university students among 18 and 24 years old (202 women and 106 men). The construct of
IB matches with the socially accepted discourse based on aesthetic and health values. In general, participants expressed
moderated body dissatisfaction and rejected obesity; the IB for women was slim, firm and curved while for
men was muscled. Therefore, a gap was identified between what women and men want and perceive of their body
image and self-acceptance, with clear differences by sex.
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