2018, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (1)
Learning styles and anthropometric indexes of obesity in Mexican adults from primary care
Campos MMG, Cruz LA
Language: Spanish
References: 56
Page: 34-44
PDF size: 591.95 Kb.
Health education has focused on the patient as an apprentice, therefore learning styles are a subject of interest
since educational strategies may be adapted to people. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze whether
learning styles are predictive factors of anthropometric indicators of obesity among a sample of adults who attend
external consultation at healthcare centers. A total of 82 adults (mean age = 41.3 years, SD = 14.2) participated;
72% women. Learning styles were assessed with the Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire and for obesity
indicators: body weight (BW), body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC). Learning styles did not show
predictive value over BMI nor WC but they did in BW (
R2 = 0.69,
adjusted R2 = 0.66,
p = 0.0001) based on variables
such as age (
standardized β = -0.21,
p = 0.001), WC (
standardized β = 0.87,
p = 0.000) and reflective style (
β = 0.82,
p = 0.03). It is concluded that learning styles were not predictors of WC neither BMI, but reflective
style was predictor of BW.
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