2018, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2018; 9 (1)
Cardiometabolic risk in adolescents with and without obesity: Metabolic, nutritional and soft drink consumption variables
Monroy-Torres R, Aguilera Juárez C, Naves-Sánchez J
Language: Spanish
References: 41
Page: 24-33
PDF size: 146.47 Kb.
A high added sugars (AS) intake is associated with greater overweight and obesity; however, having normal weight does not mean low intake of AS. The objective of this study was to associate the main cardiometabolic risk factors with nutritional status, soft drink intake (SDI) and other beverages with AS. Participants were 89 adolescents 10-15 years old (53 with obesity [OG] and 36 without obesity [WOG]). The measures were: body fat percentage, body mass index, blood pressure, uric acid and blood glucose; besides a food reminder of 24 hours and a food intake frequency questionnaire. From the OG, 31% had hypertension, 71% acanthosis nigricans, 13% hyperuricemia and 17% high values of glucose. However, the WOG increased the consumption of soft drinks, as well as the limit values in other risk factors. Although there were no differences between the groups in the consumption of carbohydrates, there were in the frequency and amount of simple sugar and drinks with AS, for instance soft drinks. It is highlighted the importance to include the already known risk factors and a detailed analysis of SDI and other soft drinks with AS.
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