2019, Number 2
Work accidents at a University Hospital. Montevideo, Uruguay
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 27-33
PDF size: 265.18 Kb.
Introduction: The hospital of clinics «Dr. Manuel Quintela» is the only university hospital in Uruguay where teaching, assistance, extension and research tasks are carried out. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze work accidents at the hospital during the period 1996-2015. Material and method: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out. Results: 1,549 accidents were recorded in the period, none of them fatal. Accidents happened most frequently to women 40 years old or younger with five years or less in the workplace. More than half of the injuries occurred on the hands, with the left being the most affected. Puncture wounds were the most frequent, particularly those caused by hypodermic needles. Injuries with sharp material and exposure to contaminated biological material were more frequent in nursing technicians; while blows, falls and injuries caused by machinery were more frequent in general service assistants. Conclusion: The greatest frequency of accidents occurred in the hands, predominantly in the left hand. The accidents mainly involved sharp elements and affected primarily nursing assistants. Lack of attention was the principal factor increasing the risk of accidents. No fatal accidents were recorded. The most frequent types of accidents were puncture wounds and small cuts which generate few days of sick leave. Recommendations: The programs of orientation for employees beginning new tasks need to be expanded and strengthened. Procedures related to medical workplace safety need to be standardized and their importance emphasized, especially to new and young employees.REFERENCES
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