2019, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2019; 91 (3)
Genetic counseling proposal for children acute leukemia
Travieso TA, Alonso VA, Frontela RVC
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 432.67 Kb.
Acute leukemia is the most common cancer in childhood. It is a disease with multifactorial etiology and its complete management includes the identification, evaluation and modification of genetic and environmental risk factors. For this reason, is very important a genetic counseling with correct projection. The purpose was to offer a genetic counseling scheme for patients, relatives and other persons with risk of childhood acute leukemia in Pinar del Río province, that has as a base an scheme which can be used as a guide for advisors, based in the results of epidemiologic and interaction genoma-enviroment studies conducted in the territory and taking into account the preventive-community approach. The proposal focus on diagnostic, risk estimation and communication components and it directs the primary, secondary and tertiary actions to the particularities of every population group. It also suggests the necessary participation of multidisciplinary teams and like any proposal it can be adapted to the modifications needed according to the conditions of every case. Finally, the strategy clarifies the urgent need to incorporate the genetic counseling into the managing of the acute infantile leukemia in order that this one will be increasingly complete and individualized, which contributes to the development of personalized medicine.
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