2018, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Obstetricia y Ginecología 2018; 44 (3)
Gestation rate and βHCG levels in frozen and fresh embryos transfer
Ramos GRC, Rodríguez RN, Blanes ZR, Hess MS
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 194.45 Kb.
Introduction: In the cycles of ovulation stimulation, the endometrium is subjected to
supra-physiological hormone levels that would lead to morphological and biochemical
alterations and to an endometrial environment responsible for implantation failure and
lower success rates, in addition to an asynchrony with respect to the embryos to
transfer. However, this does not happen in frozen embryos transfer (Frozen ET), in
which embryos are transferred in an environment that has not suffered deleterious
hormonal effects of IVF / ICSI cycles.
Objective: To evaluate if the results are superior in frozen ET cycles and if fresh
embryos transfer (TE) can replace the transfer of frozen embryos, and to establish the
effectiveness of vitrifying all embryos or "freeze all", as it is known, and transfer them
in a second time.
Methods: We compared the epidemiological parameters and the treatment of assisted
reproduction, implantation rates, gestation and βHCG levels in 168 patients of cycles of
frozen ET and 200 patients of ET cycles, carried out from January 2015 to November
2016. The statistical analysis was performed with the Student's t-test, Chi-square, and
ANOVA. (Statistical package SPSS, version 20.0).
Results: There were significant differences in β-HCG serum value that was higher for
frozen ET. The positive pregnancy rate was higher for frozen ET, with higher probability
of βHCG positive in relation to the TE group. The evolutionary clinical gestation rate did
not present significant differences.
Conclusions: Although we found a significant difference in βHCG values in frozen ET,
the clinical pregnancy rate and obstetric results did not turn out to be different.
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