2018, Number 3
Humanized childbirth: vital need for comprehensive care of women
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 95.55 Kb.
Introduction: In 2014, Cuban authors proposed offering quality health care with a high level of satisfaction for women and families, taking this issue as a reference and treating it with the health team that attends to the woman during the birth process.Objective: Reinforce the theoretical knowledge of the health team on the humanization of birth so that transforms comprehensive care to women at clinical practice.
Methods: We carried out a systematic literature review to develop a reflexive critical analysis of the documents. We worked with SciELO and Google academic databases from May to July 2016. After the identification of the pre-selected studies, we carefully read titles, abstracts and keywords verifying the pertinence with the study.
Conclusion: A historical analysis of the evolution of labor and its humanization was carried out. This approach will reinforce the contributions to the health team that cares for women during the delivery process by offering a material that covers the origins of the humanist currents in childbirth care and the importance of this approach for women and the team health during the childbirth process.
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