2019, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2019; 10 (1)
Mindfulness in the control of binge eating, the perspective of a Chilean adult group
Díaz-Tendero D, Cruzat-Mandich C, Jiménez T, Martínez P, Saravia S, Ulloa V
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 75-84
PDF size: 133.06 Kb.
Interventions based on mindfulness are increasingly used for feeding issues, looking for an improvement in the
emotional regulation and awareness of internal states (i.e., satiety, hunger). The objective of this paper was to describe
the perception of mindfulness when controlling binge eating behavior. A total of seven adults with binge eating
behavior (20-52 years old), six women and one men participated in the study. All participants receive a training
(workshop) about mindfulness and feeding. Based on a qualitative methodological approach with exploratory and
descriptive scope, semi-structured interviews were performed pre-post intervention and were analyzed by open
coding. Before intervention participants had no awareness in their relationship with food showing an automatic
response. After intervention participants reported favorable changes such as increased of awareness as well as
cognitive and emotional recognition, which led to changes in eating behavior. The participants made a positive
evaluation of the workshop and the group format, highlighting that mindfulness was internalized as a new tool for
daily life.
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