2006, Number 3
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Rev Mex Patol Clin Med Lab 2006; 53 (3)
Adverse reactions due to blood transfusion in patients suffering from a heart disease
García ERM, Méndez LTIA
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 139-145
PDF size: 64.71 Kb.
Frequency of advers blood transfusions reactions was identified at the Cardiology Hospital from the National Medical Center, 21st Century of the IMSS.
Methods: The monthly report in 2005 from January to August of revenues and expenditures of blood and or its components for therapeutic purpose were analyzed for advers reactions.
Results: Percentual distribution of these 8,589 blood and or its components transfusions was as follows: 47.3 fresh frozen plasma; 38.1 blood concentrates; 4.1 platelets concentrates and 10.5 gammaglobulinic antihaemophilic concentrate. There was just one advers reaction after application of 100 mL of a blood concentrate, clinically characterized by rash and tachycardia, which ended up after suspension and antihistaminic drug application.
Conclusions:ºb> This single advers reaction represents 0.012% of the totals blood transfusions and 0.03% of the specific blood concentrates transfusions.
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