2018, Number 4
Violence in children and adolescents
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 137-148
PDF size: 209.64 Kb.
Introduction: At present, violence is a phenomenon little explored in our country and it constitutes a problem of repercussion to health in general and in particular in children and adolescents. Death by aggressions or violet deaths currently occupies the third cause of death in adolescents from 10 to 19 years. It is considered that a minimum part of the violence that these population groups receive is that which is reported, documented or officially known.Objective: To deepen the knowledge of violence, its diverse manifestations and aspects for its prevention.
Methods: A bibliographic review was made where the databases included in the LILACS, EBSCO and HINARI services were consulted, and very good coverage was achieved, both in Cuba, in Latin America and the Caribbean, and in the rest of the world.
Conclusions: This review article on violence in these population groups is included in the hands of all personnel involved in working with children and adolescents, including their manifestations, presentation forms and their prevention. For the family doctor in particular for being a staff closely linked to the community, allowing them to be in a better position to detect these behaviors thus contributing to exercise and take preventive actions that will allow us to achieve the objectives of our Ministry of Public Health in relation to with this indicator.
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