2018, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2018; 34 (4)
A methodological strategy for linking the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation
Hernández NM, Ramírez PHE
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 101-111
PDF size: 216.81 Kb.
Introduction: The need for scientific education of all health professionals, in order to set their performance based on the quality of current times, requires explicit attention to education at work. There is a consensus that there are not many examples of works that show the demands that education at work must meet in the first academic year of the medical major aimed at attaining the association between the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I and the health situation of the community.
Objective: To propose the design of a methodological strategy for linking the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation during education at work in the first academic year of the medical major.
Methods: Quantitative and qualitative research models were used. Empirical and theoretical methods as well as statistical procedures were used. The study population was made up by the professors who taught in the first academic year in the family doctor offices of Policlínico Norte in Sancti Spíritus Municipality during the academic year 2015-2016. The proposal was based theoretically on current psychological and pedagogical conceptions, while methodological difficulties were found.
Results: The proposal was presented as actions to be developed by the professors in order to link the contents of the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation of the community. The proposed actions are established in the three moments of the teaching activity: planning, execution and control.
Conclusions: Education at work of the first academic year of the medical major was characterized in the health area of Policlínico Norte of Sancti Spíritus in the academic year 2015-2016, which allowed identifying the elements to be taken into account in the integration of knowledge and skills from the subject Morphophysiology I with the health situation of the community.
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