2018, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2018; 34 (3)
Quality of Life in middle-aged Women
González CLT, Deus MY, Bayarre VHD, Hernández ME
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 50-60
PDF size: 241.28 Kb.
Introduction: It is evident that the study of quality of life in middle-aged women requires taking into account the state of health in this population segment, as well as their well-being in different spheres of life.
Objective: To characterize the overall quality of life and dimensions in middle-aged women and to identify the risk factors of low quality of life perceived in middle-aged women.
Methods: An observational research was undertaken, which goes from the descriptive to the analytical level in Plaza de la Revolución municipality during 2017 first semester, with a sample of 532 women aged between 40 and 59 years. The instruments WHOQOL bref (abbreviated) and Intensity of the Climatic Syndrome were applied.
Results: The average score decreases with the increase in age. The quality of life by dimension shows that the highest average scores correspond to the social relations dimension. In relation to the appearance of menopause, a different behavior is observed between the dimensions. The variables age of onset of symptoms, age of menopause, marital status, schooling, occupation and family functioning were not significant, so they were not considered risk factors of low quality of life.
Conclusions: Low quality of life was evidenced in middle-aged women of the Plaza de la Revolución municipality; the most associated risk factors are: family support, the number of diseases and having children.
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