2019, Number 1
Rehabilitation in patients with secondary emotional and functional disorders to the paroxysmal positional vertigo
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 148.73 Kb.
Introduction: Vertigo is defined as a false movement illusion of the environment or the patient's own body, an erroneous and subjective sense of object movement in relation to the individual and vice versa.Objective: To determine the emotional and functional therapeutic response of these patients treated with vestibular and Brandt-Daroff exercises.
Methods: Therapeutic intervention was performed in 40 patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo assisted at Saturnino Lora Surgical Clinical Provincial Hospital in Santiago de Cuba from January 2017 to January 2018. Experts selected the sample. These patients performed vestibular and Brandt-Daroff exercises in thirty- minute series of five repetitions each day during four weeks, at home. They rested on Saturday and Sunday. The evolution of each subject was evaluated according to the vertigo disability questionnaire and therapeutic response. That questionnaire was applied at the beginning and end of the therapy. Chi square and percentage calculation was used for statistical validation.
Results: Moderate involvement of the spheres evaluated predominated, but most of the patients were asymptomatic at the end of the therapy with statistical significance (p = 0.000162) between early care and response.
Conclusions: Early rehabilitation treatment with vestibular regular exercises favorably influences the emotional and functional recovery of patients affected by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. This therapy allows patients to return to their daily work in a short time and with maximum independence. Therefore, it is advisable to disseminate this practice to other rehabilitation centers.
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