2019, Number 4
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Gac Med Mex 2019; 155 (4)
Factores de riesgo asociados con embarazos no deseados en mujeres estudiantes de medicina
Vanegas-Coveña DP, Parrón-Carreño T, Aranda-Torres C, Alarcón-Rodríguez R
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 357-362
PDF size: 150.65 Kb.
Introduction: Most pregnancies in adolescents and young adults are unwanted and many are the consequence of inconsistent
contraception use.
Objective: To analyze the risk factors that may influence on female adolescents with unwanted pregnancies.
Method: Cross-sectional, descriptive study in Ecuadorian female medical students, where the 2013 National Sexual and Reproductive
Health Survey, the family APGAR scale, and the Graffar-Méndez Castellanos socio-economic scale were used.
Results: There was statistically significant difference in the age of active sexual life initiation between those who became
pregnant (18.11 ± 1.45) and those who did not (19.22 ± 2.28). Average age at pregnancy was 20.41 ± 2.18; 59.3 % of those
who had a pregnancy and 32% of those without pregnancy did not use protection in their first intercourse. Pregnancy was
more common in city residents (100%), Catholic females (85.2%), who belonged to middle-high (55.6%) and middle-high socioeconomic
strata (29.6%) and to families with moderate dysfunction (40.7%).
Conclusions: A significant percentage of
adolescents in our study had an unwanted pregnancy at an early age despite being young undergraduate medical students,
coming from moderately dysfunctional families and belonging to a middle-high socioeconomic status.
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