2019, Number 4
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Rev Invest Clin 2019; 71 (4)
Survey on the Perception of Health Professionals on the Use of Intradialytic Oral Nutrition in Patients under Hemodialysis
Ramos-Acevedo S, González-Ortiz AJ, Correa-Rotter R, Serralde-Zuñiga AE, Miranda-Alatriste P, Atilano-Carsi X, Dominguez-Zambrano E, Espinosa-Cuevas Á
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 255-264
PDF size: 225.94 Kb.
Background: Intradialytic oral nutrition (ION) has been shown to improve many clinical outcomes, including lowering mortality,
in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Despite the benefits, ION is underused in many countries.
Objective: The objective of our study
was to determine the perception of health-care professionals (HCP) in our environment of the use of ION in patients undergoing
Methods: Survey applied to HCP in Mexico who worked or had worked in an HD unit in their locality.
Results: From 272 HCP
who answered the survey, 74.3% believed that the use of ION has at least one beneficial effect; of these, the most frequently
mentioned were an improvement in quality of life (QoL) (54.7%) followed by an improvement in serum albumin (37.9%) and
muscle anabolism (31.6%). However, 49% consider that its use involves some risks. Of the respondents, 22% reported that their
HD units allowed patients to consume food or supplements during HD sessions; the main reason given to forbid the introduction
of food or supplements was the clinic’s policy (41%).
Conclusions: The personnel surveyed heterogeneous opinions regarding
ION, but most believe that it may improve the QoL or the nutritional status of the patients. Nevertheless, the use of ION is
uncommon in our country as it is against the internal regulations of most HD units.
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