2019, Number 2
Factorial validity of the questionnaire on dignified treatment in nursing
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 97-104
PDF size: 1095.61 Kb.
Introduction: Providing dignified care to patients is one of the main components in health care quality, which is why measuring it is really important.Objective: To evaluate the construct validity of the Dignified Care questionnaire in nursing, this was developed by the Secretaría de Salud (Mexico’s Secretariat of Health).
Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study. 355 patients, attended in all the 89 health centers, were selected by convenience sampling.
Results: There were on average high punctuations of dignified care (0.84, range 0,1). The adjustment of the model was appropriate, since several indexes were considered: NNFI = 0.99; NFI = 0.98; CFI = 0.99; RMSEA = 0.04; PNFI = 0.70 and normalized chi squared = 2.37. A remarkable finding was the positive correlation between the following dimensions (p ‹ 0.05): human relations with communication (r = 0.95), human relations with the patient’s inner dimension (r = 0.90), and communication with the patient’s inner dimension (r = 0.90).
Conclusions: Construct validity of the Dignified Care questionnaire in nursing was confirmed.
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