2019, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Estomatol 2019; 56 (1)
Immediate transalveolar implant as an effective solution for internal tooth resorption
Hernández ML, Ramos LM, Carrazana RS
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 78-86
PDF size: 400.63 Kb.
Introduction: In their daily professional practice dentists are faced with a variety of conditions. An example is internal root resorption, the advanced stage of which may complicate the prognosis of dental treatment, due to the weakening of the remnant dental structure and the potential appearance of periodontal disease. Because the mouth is located in one of the focal points of the face, any alteration of its esthetic appearance may result in psychological disorders ranging from a simple attempt to mask the defect to the greatest introversion.
Objective: Present a clinical case of internal tooth resorption solved with a post-extraction immediate load implant.
Case presentation: A female 31-year-old patient presents with internal tooth resorption of the maxillary central incisor. Appropriate diagnosis was performed and a treatment plan devised, consisting in immediate placement of a transalveolar implant and definitive metal-ceramic rehabilitation upon completion of the osseointegration stage.
Conclusions: Stable long-term esthetic, functional and biomechanical rehabilitation was achieved which met the patient's expectations. This result shows that when the established requirements are complied with and exhaustive planning is performed, implantology offers the most advanced treatment when dental extraction is imminent.
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