2019, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Cardiol Cir Cardiovasc 2019; 25 (2)
Acute miocardial infarction in an old left bundle-branch block in the context of an acute surgical abdomen
Negreira OD, Pérez PJ, Góngora CD, Rodríguez VR
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 425.52 Kb.
We present a surgical-clinical case of a 68 years old, female who was received in emergency room having a acute miocardial infarction(AMI) on a old left bundle-broach block(LBBB). Over her progress it was jointly diagnosticated a acute appendicitis which needed immediately surgical treatment. To the AMI´s diagnose was applied unexposed electrocardiographic standard in our hospital. The case was discussed among a team of internists, intensivists, cardiologists and surgeons. The progress of the patient was good during the stay in the intensive care unit and later in the general surgery room because of that, she was discharged and she was sent to external cardiology consult. It was proved that acute miocardial infarction can evolve during the development of the acute appendicitis.
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