2019, Number 2
Leiomyosarcoma of the superior vena cava with extension to the right heart cavities
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 256-263
PDF size: 418.87 Kb.
Background: the leiomyosarcoma of the superior cava vein is a rare illness and more when it extends to the cardiac cavities.Objective: to present to the medical community a female patient with leiomyosarcoma of the superior cava vein that extended intraluminal form to the right cavities of the heart causing obstruction and cardiogenic shock.
Clinical case: a 45-year-old white female patient with no morbid health history, who presented redness of the face and exhaustion of the extremities when combing. A computerized axial tomography was performed where a lesion suggestive of thrombosis was identified. It was decided to transfer her to a specialized center, in which it is concluded that the patient was a carrier of a non-thrombotic tumor lesion, which turned out to be benign in a biopsy done for which follow-up is decided. The patient reenters in a state of cardiogenic shock due to progression of the disease, which is why her emergency surgical treatment is decided and die during surgery.
Conclusions: the leiomyosarcoma of the superior vena cava is a rare illness, with few reports in the literature. A case in which the tumor extended intraluminally to the right cardiac cavities (atrium and ventricle) is presented.
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