2019, Number 4
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salud publica mex 2019; 61 (4)
Current and emerging issues in tobacco prevention and control
Reynales-Shigematsu LM, Roa-Rodríguez R, Barrington-Trimis JL, Blanco-Marquizo A
Language: Spanish
References: 96
Page: 436-447
PDF size: 420.64 Kb.
Objectives. To review the implementation of the WHO
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in the Americas,
describe two national case studies and analyze the evidence
on electronic cigarettes from a public health perspective.
Materials and methods. Revision of the tobacco control
legislation and the scientific evidence regarding electronic
Results. Implementation of tobacco control
policies is not homogeneous, with important advances in
smoke-free environments, pictorial health warnings, and
epidemiological surveillance, but challenges that remain for
the implementation of a total ban of tobacco advertising,
increases in tobacco taxes, and tobacco cessation programs.
Tobacco industry interference is one of the main obstacles
for advancing and novel products create uncertainty about
their regulation.
Conclusion. There is a need for political
will for a comprehensive implementation of the Convention,
with evidence-based decisions to confront challenges and to
defend the achievements from tobacco industry interference.
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