2017, Number 17
Nursing process and breast cancer
Sillas GD, Zavala PI, López CG, Samaniego ZM
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 13-18
PDF size: 159.44 Kb.
Breast cancer disease causes uncontrolled cell reproduction in the breast. Through nursing process applying NANDA NOC NIC taxonomies and Dorotea Orem’s Nursing Theory of Self-care Deficit Nursing it is possible to improve care, achieve a better unification of criteria, communicate through a standardized language to be more critical thinking. We can improve care if we apply them and analyze their usefulness, advantages and disadvantages in our daily practice. Process, which can be adapted to nursing practice in any place or specialized area, serves individuals, groups or communities; it ensures quality of care by promoting a greater degree of interaction between the nurse and the person with breast cancer. As well as increasing professional accreditation, and promoting research, it develops teaching and improving professional nursing practice with a deliberative approach to solving problems that require cognitive, interpersonal and technical skills and that is aimed at meeting the needs of client and family system.REFERENCES
Knaul, Felicia Marie, Nigenda, Gustavo, Lozano, Rafael, Arreola-Ornelas, Héctor, Langer, Ana, & Frenk, Julio. (2009). Breast cancer in México: an urgent priority. Salud Pública de México, 51(Supl. 2), s335-s344. Recuperado en 15 de octubre de 2015, de http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext& pid=S0036-36342009000800026&lng=es&tlng= en.