2018, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (2)
Death and art. four visions of the fall of José Martí in Cuban painting
Peña PD
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 105-110
PDF size: 235.61 Kb.
Introduction: death exerts an inevitable gravitation on people. The declaration that a person is a corpse is a transcendental
step that affects the relationships of the social environment of the deceased. The artistic representation of death, by its
meaning in all aspects of life, became a common event. The presence of the figure of José Martí in painting is frequent and
natural in the history of art in Cuba.
Objective: to present the vision on the death of Martí of four important Cuban painters of the twentieth century.
Development: in the primitive community the stench of the corpse was the most practical method to determine death;
then it was the cessation of cardiorespiratory functions. The development of intensive therapy required establishing criteria
based on neurological formulations. Painting is one of the arts where the subject of death most appears. In Cuba, the most
represented life is Martí’s, but also his death. Esteban Valderrama, Carlos Enríquez, Alicia Leal and Juan Vicente Bonachea
expose with different styles their vision of the “irrevocable tear” that meant the death of Martí for the Cuban people.
Conclusions: the representation of the death of the apostle is conditioned by the artist’s interpretation according to his vision
of the event. In the works there is frustration with the unexpected, but at the same time calm by the serene transcendence
to the immortality of the Cuban patriot.
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