2018, Number 2
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Cuba y Salud 2018; 13 (2)
Skills in Research Methodology and Statistics of students of the Latin American School of Medicine
Vega MME, Rivero MIC
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 18-25
PDF size: 4028.04 Kb.
Objective: to describe the main difficulties in the mastery of the skills in the subject methodology of research and
statistics of the students of the Latin American School of Medicine.
Method: a retrospective descriptive study was carried out. From a population of 1320 second-year students of Basic
Sciences in the 2015-2016 academic year, a probabilistic sample of 404 students was selected. The partial and final
evaluations were selected to determine the errors by knowledge and were grouped by skills. The percentage and the
average were used as measures to summarize the information. The summarized information is presented in tables.
Results: the ability to argue in Research Methodology constitutes the highest frequency of errors (33,5%) in a specific
way in the approach of the scientific problem (59,1%). In descriptive statistics, the highest average was interpreting
(35,6%), calculating (97,03%) and identifying (94,75%) the association measures and identifying (22,8%) the
relative position measures. In the Inferential statistics, interpret (87,8%) and identify (87,13%) the statistic used and
in the Health statistics the calculation of morbidity indicators (18,8%), the classification of Pyramids (19, 8%) and the
identification of its characteristics (1,07%).
Conclusions: the frequencies of students’ errors are described by elements of knowledge and the frequencies of
higher errors corresponding to identifying, calculating and interpreting are obtained, as more frequent errors.
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