2019, Number 2
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Mul Med 2019; 23 (2)
Skeletal and self-esteem modifications with twin blocks
Herrero SY, López MAM, Arias MY, Torres AJA, Ros SM
Language: English
References: 19
Page: 310-321
PDF size: 117.23 Kb.
Skeletal class II and III anomalies are a developmental condition, in most cases, not due to pathological processes, but to a moderate distortion of normal development, this causes alteration of the aesthetic that influences the levels of self-esteem of the patients. The objective of the study was to evaluate the skeletal and self-esteem modifications with twin blocks. We performed a quasi-experimental modality before and after without a control group, in 35 patients with skeletal class II and III, admitted to the Orthodontic Consultation of the University Clinic of Stomatological Specialties "Manuel Cedeño", in the period from January to November 2018.The clinical examination, the cephalometry and the Self-esteem Inventory prepared by Coppersmiths were used as diagnostic means. It was obtained as a result that 71,42% belong to the ages of 12 and 13 years, and 54,28 % are female; 65,71% of patients presented class II skeletal and 34,28% class III before treatment, after this, the skeletal anomaly was corrected in 91,42% of cases; When characterizing the population under study it was revealed that self-esteem was low in 60,00% before treatment, and then it was high in 74,28%. It was concluded that the population studied presented skeletal anomalies and low self-esteem at the beginning of the treatment, which was corrected and improved, respectively, in the majority of patients by treatment with the standard twin and class III twin blocks.
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