2019, Number 3
Rev Mex Anest 2019; 42 (3)
Education for patients
Dávila-Maldonado L, Rosas-Arriaga M, Valverde-Urbina E, Irineo-Moreno JA, Meave-Rodríguez VA, Xospa-Ramírez EJ, Acosta-Nava VM, Garduño-López AL
Language: Spanish
References: 0
Page: 237-238
PDF size: 117.70 Kb.
A fundamental part of any continuous improvement project is the appropriate information and education for the patient and his family. The expectations of a surgical intervention, of the perioperative course and of the experience of pain, can be different, according to the beliefs and previous state of anxiety caused by uncertainty and fear of the unknown, which can favor a less effective management of pain. This variability in the response to the surgical event can be optimized if the information of the entire process is provided objectively beforehand. The PAIN OUT Research project for the optimization of perioperative pain management, coordinated by the Department of Anesthesiology at INCMNSZ, provides the possibility of implementing education strategies for the general population was raised. The Department of Health Education of INCMNSZ aims to support and advise the different areas of the hospital in terms of education and health promotion, which contribute to generate a culture of prevention and self-care in the patient and his family. In a joint effort of these two departments, the possibility of generating audiovisual material that met the primary objective of educating in the perioperative context was done. Three audiovisuals were created with the support of graphic designers from the Tecnológico y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Mexico City Campus. The first includes information about the anesthetic process, the second includes information about postoperative pain, its evaluation by the patient and management alternatives during hospitalization and discharge, and the third includes information about the myths and realities of the use of opioids as part of an analgesic strategy. This material is intended to be disseminated to the general population, through the website of the Mexican PAIN OUT Network for the optimization of perioperative pain management www.painoutmexico.com and the website https://www.epsnutricion.com.mx/quienes.php