2019, Number 3
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Rev Mex Anest 2019; 42 (3)
Management of acute postoperative pain services in Mexico, requirements and economic considerations for their implementation
Hernández-Hernández L, Castellanos-Olivares A
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 167-169
PDF size: 129.58 Kb.
In the 80 the acute pain services (APS) were created with the objective of decreasing the intensity of postoperative pain and related complications, responsible for analgesic protocols for patient. Some APS extend their attention to other types of acute pain as well. Education and continuous training for the patient and all personnel involved in the handling of pain brings better results in safety and efficiency. Pharmacoeconomics encourage APS implementation which means investing in the required resources for its success. Acute pain service management is achievable in Mexico.
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