2017, Number 16
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waxapa 2017; 9 (16)
Euthanasia and assisted suicide: attitudes of medical doctors at the Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Cuba
Forteza SM, Paisan DD, Grau AJ, Oliva HI, Chacón RM
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 10-17
PDF size: 184.27 Kb.
Objective: To characterize the attitudes toward euthanasia and assisted suicide by doctors of National Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Cuba (INOR), qualified and not qualified in palliatives cares.
Methods: Observational-descriptive and traverse study, during February-April of the 2015, in the INOR.doctors of the INOR of the different specialties constituted the study universe. Intentional sample (70 doctors) in function of the readiness that they had of participating in the investigation. Arithmetic media and standard deviation in quantitative continuous variables were obtained. For the attitudes toward the euthanasia a component of the technique was used “central nucleus of the attitudes the social representations” (NCRS), exact test of Fisher and OR of Mann-Whitney. The analysis was carried out with SPPS, version 21.0.
Results: There were differences in both groups The best alternative to the request to anticipate or facilitate death was proposed as palliative care, more often in the trained.
Conclusions: The attitudes towards death and assisted suicide that are evident in these doctors confirm results obtained in previous research. Opinions against the practice of euthanasia or assisted suicide predominate, even though the criteria are dissimilar within each group.
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