2019, Number 1
Structural anomalies of the enamel and aesthetic affection in schools children of 6-17 years of Cojímar
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 4-13
PDF size: 376.97 Kb.
Introduction: the structural anomalies of the dental enamel appear at an early age, causing affectations in the development of the teeth, occlusion and aesthetics.Objective: to describe the structural anomalies of the enamel and aesthetic affectation in children from 6 to 17 years old in Cojimar.
Methods: a transversal descriptive study was carried out from September, 2013 to June, 2014. The universe was formed by 1 285 children from 6 to 17 years old, both sexes, who are studying in primary, secondary and pre-university education in the health area of Cojimar, Habana del Este Municipality, considering that those had at least one permanent tooth with structural enamel anomaly were affected, the percentage was used as a summary measure and Pearson´s Chi square as statistical test. The results were presented in tables.
Results: the prevalence of enamel anomalies was 39.8 %, the demarcated opacity prevailed in 56.9 %, the incisor group was the most affected with a 36.1 %, the vestibular surface with 31.4 % showed higher figures in all cases, dental groups, and 74.8 % of children considered to have aesthetic involvement.
Conclusions: the enamel anomalies represent more than a third of the population, with similarity between age groups and both sexes, the most common was the demarcated opacity, the incisors and the vestibular surface were the most affected, which establishes a tacit relationship with dental aesthetic involvement.
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