2019, Number 08
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2019; 87 (08)
Dropout, change or therapeutic failure to hormonal contraception in university women
Niño-Avendaño CA, Vargas-Rodríguez LJ, González-Jiménez NM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 499-505
PDF size: 291.52 Kb.
Objective: The objective of the study was the prevalence of abandonment, change
and therapeutic failure, which could trigger unwanted pregnancies in university women
between 17 and 30 years of age, who have used hormonal contraceptives as a method
of family planning.
Materials and methods: An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out
during the period between August 1 and November 30, 2018, where students from
the faculty of health sciences of the University of Boyacá. The variables studied corresponded
to sociodemographic data, causes of treatment abandonment, change of
planning method and therapeutic failure.
Results: The average age of the population was 20.5 years, evidence of the use of oral
contraceptives and 26.15% were advised by personnel other than health. Alcohol was
the main substance of consumption that interacts with hormonal contraceptives. The
main adverse reactions were headache, weight gain and abnormal uterine bleeding.
The main reasons for abandonment are related to the presence of adverse effects. The
therapeutic failure was presented in 10.3% of the respondents.
Conclusions: Although the evidence of the first cause of abandonment was the life
of sexual life, there is a high percentage of users with adverse reactions and, according
to the person who likes the information, it can be noticed that there is difficulty in the
attachment to the use of this type of medication.
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