2019, Number 1
Educational intervention on syphilis in the Provincial Penitentiary Establishment of Ciego de Ávila
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 29-38
PDF size: 125.61 Kb.
Introduction: due to the practice of homosexual relationships in penitentiary establishments, syphilis becomes a health problem in these institutions.Objective: to evaluate the usefulness of an educational intervention to modify the level of knowledge about syphilis in the inmates of the Provincial Penitentiary Establishment of Ciego de Ávila.
Method: a pre-experimental study of the before and after type, without a control group, was carried out between January and December 2017. The universe consisted of the 1 000 inmates of the institution. Of these, 39 were selected by non-probabilistic sampling. In the first stage, according to critical cases, 13 internal health promoters were selected, one from each detachment and these, in a second stage, in cascade, chose two key informants. In the analysis of the sociodemographic variables, the mean and the standard deviation were used, and to measure the response of the intervention, the McNemar statistical tests and ranges with Wilcoxon sign.
Results: more than half of the inmates had a higher educational level (69,23%) with an average age of 38,40 years. The level of global knowledge increased from 22,82% with an adequate level before the intervention, up to 66,67 % after applied, with significant differences. All participants said that the intervention was pleasant and instructive.
Conclusions: the usefulness of the educational intervention was demonstrated by improving the level of knowledge about syphilis in the selected inmates.
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