2019, Number 2
Impact of the course laboratory sciences for professionals related to the clinical analysis
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 256-272
PDF size: 165.00 Kb.
The objective of the research was to evaluate the impact of the Laboratory Sciences course. A cross-sectional qualitative descriptive study was conducted in the period between March and May 2018 at the "Carlos J. Finlay" University of Medical Sciences, in Camagüey. From the empirical methods, there were used the analysis of documents and the survey applied to graduates and heads of the welfare services. It is concluded that the evaluation of the impact of the Laboratory Science course is satisfactory, since the preparation of their graduates through the study program allows them to improve their professional performance, which is confirmed by the satisfaction of graduates and employers in this regard, as well it is corroborated that the evaluation must become a systematic process, in which the professional performance of the graduate must be measured at different times in order to perfect their work.REFERENCES
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