2019, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (2)
Aplication of the theorys and models of infirmary in the speciality of cardiovascular surgery
Alvarez PA, Miguel VY, Rojas VY
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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At present it works demonstrate the application and force of the theories and models in the service of the services of related infirmary to the speciality of cardiovascular surgery, as of the protocol of interchange, general and specific investigation, diagnosis, treatment for each patient according to the pathologies related to the speciality. We analyze the possibility to integrate the models of the theoretical Virginia Henderson and Dorotea Orem by defending the needs to satisfy in this group of patients the diagnoses of infirmary and the conduct to follow, as well as the identification of the specific model to plan the cares in base to the results we want to achieve.
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