2019, Number 2
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Invest Medicoquir 2019; 11 (2)
Gastric glomus tumor
Chao GL, Gil LI, Moret VS, Barroso ML, Mesa GM, Pérez GT
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 306.20 Kb.
The glomus tumor is a benign neoplasm with malignant potential, derived from smooth muscle cells modified from the glomus body. It is a rare neoplasm located mainly in the dermis and subcutaneous cellular tissue. Its presentation in the stomach is infrequent. We present a female patient of 46 years of age, who attends the emergency service for hair and asthenia without other symptoms. In the initial endoscopy performed by urgency, an ulcerated lesion was evidenced, in the gastric antrum near the angular incisura with active bleeding, Forrest 1b, treatment was performed with injective therapy and electrocoagulation with argon plasma. In the upper evolutionary endoscopy, it is reported, elevated lesion at the antrum level with visible vessel, concluding as possible gastrointestinal tumor stroma. Endoscopic ultrasound is performed with final diagnosis of gastric antrum gastrointestinal tumor stroma. The tumor was excised. The immunohistochemical study reported positive smooth muscle alpha-actin, negative chromogranin. KI- 67 10 %, conclusive of glomus tumor.
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