2019, Number 2
Factors associated to the mortality in surgery with extracorporeal circulation in patients of more than 70 years
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction. The population's aging is a global phenomenon. Cuba doesn't escape to this reality, every time is bigger, the number of people of the third age that they go to the hospital because they need of a heart surgery. Methods. Investigation whit study observational and descriptive design, of the surgical activity developed during the years 2015-2017 in the Cardiocenter. The sample was represented by 108 patients between 70 and 85 years of age, programmed for heart elective surgery with extracorporeal circulation. A database was designed in Microsoft Excel 2010 with the primary data. To evaluate the association among qualitative variables you use square Chi of independence, the exact Test of Fisher, for the quantitative variables the test was used Student. Results. 70 % of those operated was men, with class functional III or IV, with a 73,4± 3,1 year-old half age. 80 % of the patients has hypertension, 43 % had toxic habits and 39 % renal insufficiency. Proceeding surgical more carried out it was the valve replacement. Was not a statistical relationship among the factors preoperatory and perioperatory that predispose to the appearance of complications; alone it was significant the time in intensive therapy. Significant association was observed to the precocious mortality of the inadequacy renal chronic preoperatoria with the filtrate glomerular below 50, the inotropic use to the exit of the extracorporeal circulation and some complications post operatory, the breathing inadequacy, the acute renal insufficiency, the blood spills, and the heart attack. Conclusions. The study identified highly significant variables that predispose to the precocious mortality as the inotropics use, the heart attack post operatory and the reinterventions, for this group of patient.REFERENCES
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