2018, Number 3
Distribution of population coverage of the ISSSTE in relation with the national population and institutional coverage
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 130-138
PDF size: 303.32 Kb.
Objectives: The population coverage is the basis of an equitable health system that is part of the integration of a population health diagnosis, which allows designing a set of care services based on population dynamics. The objective of this study is to analyze the population coverage of the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) in relation to the Mexican population and ISSSTE population. Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted, with information on the population registered in the statistical yearbooks of the ISSSTE (2015 and 2016), the Economic Benefits System (SIPE-2016) and the INEGI (2015). The population coverage (2015) and the institutional population coverage (2016) were calculated. The distribution by percentiles was obtained to calculate the distribution by quintiles (Q1-Q5) and the appropriate statistical tests were carried out. Results: The population coverage of ISSSTE at a national level is 10.86% and its distribution varies by Federal Entity. In comparison with the national coverage, 13 States have a significantly higher coverage, 18 have significantly lower coverage (all p values ‹ 0.0003) and 2 have a similar coverage. Institutional coverage at the national level is 70.1%, the 5 States with the highest percentage of institutional coverage are: Sinaloa, Michoacán, Morelos, State of Mexico and Nayarit. Conclusions: The population coverage of the ISSSTE, by State, is significantly different among the 32 entities of the country.REFERENCES
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