2019, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2019; 23 (1)
Medical Sciences University of Holguin visibility through Institutional Communication Strategy
Torres GA, Ocaña SE, Esteva PJ, Lamorú CC, Zaldívar RA
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 64-85
PDF size: 533.98 Kb.
Introduction: nowadays, our society demands the academic institutions, new ways of
generating, acquiring and socializing knowledge. Their academic potential and its relevance
to develop its educational mission and social goals, has been fully recognized. However,
diagnosis confirmed that knowledge related to these matters is still limited, together with
the lack of an Institutional Communication Department for academic management,
scientific production and substantive processes visualization.
Methods: in this study, dialectical analysis from a critical perspective, interpretation and
study enrichment, documentary reviews, interviews, scientific observation, methods of
analysis, historical-logical synthesis and the criteria of specialists, were applied.
Objective: to demonstrate the actions carried out by the university such as: academic
production, management, visibility, socialization and scientific information.
Results: in Holguín, social, scientific and technological influences were introduced and
generalized all over the province. Its holistic dimension inside international scope has been recognized, as well as technological products and media development savings for the
institutional budget.
Conclusions: results show the visibility scope, scientific production and academic
socialization of the Medical Sciences University of Holguin. They also reinforce the processes
for the professionals’ sustainable development in Cuba and around the world, using the
strategic axis human potential- science-technology-innovation. All of this, places the Medical
Sciences University of Holguín as the 3rd academic fortrate in Cuba.
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