2019, Number 3
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Arch Med Fam 2019; 21 (3)
Promoting Patient-Centered Medical Education for Medical Students: A two-decade experience in Brazil
Boso VVH, Rodrigues SV, Bogea ML, González BP
Language: Portugués
References: 26
Page: 103-110
PDF size: 181.03 Kb.
SOBRAMFA - Medical Education and Humanism, founded in 1992, has as its objective to promote a patient-centered medical education as well as to reconstruct the humanistic medical dimension in its practical and academic scopes. The Clinical Reasoning Meetings and the Internships for Medical Students are part of the many activities that SOBRAMFA carries out with the participation of these students and preceptors. In this context, the exercise of a model in which students from different medical schools meet in Clinical Reasoning Meetings, accompany patients and learn the methodology of Patient Centered Medicine. At the same time as they perform the philosophical exercise of the profession, they discuss with their peers about their own educational experiences.
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