2019, Number 1
Domestic strategies of the young women of the Universal Assignment for Pregnancy in public hospitals in the Argentine Republic
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 9-20
PDF size: 370.94 Kb.
Background: The social policy of the Universal Assignment for Pregnancy for Social Protection in the Argentine Republic in 2015 has the main objective of controlling and regulating pregnancy in Argentinean women who are in a vulnerable state and outside the labor market.Objective: To analyze families that perceive the social policy of the Universal Assignment for Pregnancy, this consists on the monetary transfer of a basic income by the Argentine state.
Methodology: A qualitative methodology approach, in the first stage, with the collection and documentary analysis was used and a second stage with a report of multiple cases that included a non-random sample of seven young girls who formed their family with the birth of their children. In addition, a semi-structured sociological interview to different women with early motherhood was conducted, also to two physicians responsible for the neonatology area.
Results: The women perceive this monetary transfer when they are in the period of pregnancy and it is remarkable that these women are in a state of social vulnerability because they do not reach a minimum salary established; thus, from that moment social strategies are projected to create a family. It was identified that many of the women under this social policy were adolescents and girls who, because of cultural and economic factors, in some cases, did not exceed eighteen years of age.
Conclusions: The social strategies developed by the women aimed to build core families that did not exceed five members. These constructions occur because of prescribed actions (such as marriages preset by the head of the core family) and economic reasons, and not by simple social reproduction of the extended family model.
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