2019, Number 3
Tatuajes: una moda con riesgos
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 455-463
PDF size: 154.37 Kb.
Introduction: tattoos are one of the most known and used forms of body modification in the world and have become a fad at present, regardless of their social and historical connotation. Objective: to describe the skin conditions that can result from tattoos. Method: a review of published articles on the subject was carried out and criteria related to current medical practice were provided, publications were consulted that referred to the social and cultural history of the tattoos and that reported cutaneous alterations in patients who had tattoos with different times of appearance. Infections by viruses, bacteria, fungi and inflammatory and tumor disorders were identified, most of them related to inks. Conclusions: the realization of tattoos can bring cutaneous and systemic affections regardless of their social and cultural connotation and there is little information about it.REFERENCES
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