2018, Number 1
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Rev Mex Med Forense 2018; 3 (1)
Prevalence of complaints of pedophilia in pregnant women under 15 years of age in Veracruz, Mexico: the role of public servants
Baltazar RJA, Denis RPB, Aguirre-Del Barrio MF
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 267.52 Kb.
Introduction. Teen pregnancy occurs in 11% of pregnancies in the world; it has important medical implications, but it also has legal implications since in most of the country it is conceived as a crime rarely reported by the health personnel in charge of medical attention of pregnant adolescents.
Material and methods. We conducted a comparative analysis of the number of adolescent pregnancies in the Sanitary Jurisdiction number VII in the period 2010-2015 and the number of complaints of pedophilia reported by public servers.
Results: Of a universe of 661,530 inhabitants with a high degree of social marginalization, illiteracy and extreme poverty, 1418 adolescent pregnancies were reported during the period, of which 49% were attended in the health units of the Sanitary Jurisdiction; only one complaint of pedophilia was reported by a public server assigned to the Social Work area.
Discussion. There is a tendency towards non-reporting of adolescent pregnancies by the health personnel of the Sanitary Jurisdiction number VII, which is contrary to the legal obligations of reporting a typified crime in the corresponding Penal Code; this phenomenon can be multifactorial and the results should be studied in other geographical areas with different sociodemographic characteristics.
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