2019, Number 3
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Aten Fam 2019; 26 (3)
Cardiovascular Risk Factors and their Association among groups of Overweighed Adolescents
López UPI, Gómez AC, Muñoz CG, Chacón VP
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 100-105
PDF size: 133.98 Kb.
Objective: To determine the cardiovascular
risk factors (CRF ) and their
association among groups in overweighed
adolescents enrolled to the
Family Medicine Unit (FMU) No. 80.
Methods: Cross-sectional and analytical
study, one hundred adolescents between
ten and nineteen years of age who were
enrolled in the FMU No. 80 of Morelia,
Michoacán, México, were assessed, prior
signed and informed consent, from October
2016 to April 2017. Participants
were interrogated about family background
(FB), smoking habit, alcoholism
and physical activity; blood pressure,
weight, size, and using the estimated
body mass index (BMI) calculation, they
were categorized into four groups: low
weight, normal weight, overweight and
obesity. Clinical data such as fasting glucose,
cholesterol and triglycerides were
measured. The risk analysis was characterized
according to the existence of
overweight or obesity. Results are shown
in frequencies, and for the contrast of
hypothesis, it was used χ
2 and Fisher
exact test, considering significant a value
of p‹0.05.
Results: 56 women and 44
men were included, 94% of the adolescents
presented cardiovascular risk as FB,
58% due to physical inactivity habits,
41% presented overweight/obesity, and
24%, hypertriglyceridemia. There is an
association between overweight/obesity
and the presence of premorbid states
such as pre-hypertension (P=0.017),
abnormal fasting glucose (p = 0.001),
hypercholesterolemia (P=0.015) and
hypertriglyceridemia (p=0.001).
CRF that predominate in
adolescents were family background,
physical inactivity, overweight/obesity,
the latter are associated with the presence
of premorbid states.
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