2019, Number 2
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2019; 22 (2)
Scientific practice and evaluation of products generated with an online platform
Moreno RD, Camacho MJF, Vázquez GLE, Coronado ÁO
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 2355-2379
PDF size: 296.82 Kb.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have
permeated all forms and lifestyles, as well as ways of
teaching and learning. In higher education they have been
used both to teach content and to develop skills. However,
there are few technological developments aimed at the
promotion of skills related to the writing of scientific
documents, a necessary skill for any professional, besides
that these technological developments do not show empirical
evidence of the quality of the products generated by users.
The present work has as objective to show evidences of the
quality of the scientific documents developed by a group of
university users of the platform called Laboratory for the
Writing of Projects and Reports of Investigation (LABPEPRI).
Through a scale developed exprofeso two samples of
documents were evaluated, the scale evaluated aspects of
content and format. The results suggest that the reports
developed within the LABPEPRI were of better quality than
those developed outside of this one. The benefits and impact
of the use of ICT in higher education and specifically in the
development of scientific skills are discussed, as it is the
writing of research reports.
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