2019, Number 2
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Rev Méd Electrón 2019; 41 (2)
A Nobel Prize for Cuban medicine
Pérez RLA, Rodríguez RDL, Ramírez PÉY
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 598-608
PDF size: 682.36 Kb.
A bibliographic review was carried out with the general objective of identifying
Cubans who, for their exceptional work, deserved the Nobel Prize nomination, as
well as describing the portrayals of their life and work, for which a total of 24
bibliographies were worked on. Many have marched through the award podium to
receive such high recognition of their efforts, aimed at discovering the secrets of
nature to protect health. Although not achieving this award, Cubans have also
provided relevant findings, highlighting those closely related to medicine, which set
a pattern worldwide and deserved nominations along with personalities of universal
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